Different types of acne and how to prevent them Different types of acne and how to prevent them

Acne Guide: Different Types of Acne and How to Prevent Them

So, you have acne! But what type of acne is it? Is it inflammatory or non-inflammatory? Is it a cyst or a nodule? If you got startled a little by these questions, don’t worry as we are here to enlighten you with a detailed guide on different types of acne. A pimple occurs when the tiny holes of your skin aka pores get blocked by oil, bacteria, dirt, dust, impurities, and dead skin cell. When you start getting pimples on your face repeatedly and severely, it becomes acne. In layman’s terms, acne (medical term- acne vulgaris) is a skin condition that results in pimples. However, not everyone suffers from the similar types of acne on face, hence it is essential to know about the different types of acne and prevent them. Read the next section to ward off acne and get pimple-free, clear skin.

Different types of acne on face

If you don’t know which type of acne is bothering you, take a look at the following list:

• Non-inflammatory types of acne

Blackheads: Blackheads (aka open comedones) are open at the skin’s surface and filled with excess oil and dead skin cells. To your surprise, blackheads are not black in colour, it’s the oxygen in the air that makes the content (dead skin cells) of this non-inflammatory pimple appear black.

Whiteheads: Whiteheads (open comedones) are closed at the surface of the skin. This non-inflammatory type of acne occurs when excess oil and skin cells don’t let the clogged hair follicles from opening. As a result, you notice a flesh-coloured raised bump on your face.

• Inflammatory types of acne

Papules: Papules are an inflammatory type of acne that appear as small, red, raised bumps. Inflamed or infected hair follicles cause papules.

Pustules: Pustules are small tender bumps that have whitish or yellowish pus at its centre. Immune cells and bacterial cells deposited at the blocked pores collectively make the pus.

Nodules: Nodules are another inflammatory type of acne that develop deep within the skin and appear as solid. These are painful bumps and can leave scars on the face.

Cysts: This inflammatory type of acne looks like large, pus-filled bumps beneath the skin and can be painful. Nodules and cysts are considered to be severe forms of acne.

Now that you know about the different types of acne on the face, going forward you can identify your acne type and take precautions accordingly. Wondering where to get started? Here are some tips to prevent the various types of acne.

How to prevent and treat different types of acne

Listed below are some tips to prevent different types of acne:

1. Cleanse

For effective skincare, it’s important to eliminate excess oil, dirt, dust, and impurities from your face (twice a day). For acne prevention, you can go for a salicylic acid-infused cleanser to cleanse your face. Pro tip: Use warm water to rinse your face.

2. Exfoliate

Regular and mild exfoliation is crucial to treat non-inflammatory pimples like blackheads and whiteheads. You must avoid scrubbing your face harshly with washcloths, exfoliating gloves, or loofah. Gently exfoliate your acne-prone skin (without irritating it further), rinse your skin, and pat it dry with a clean towel. Pro tip: Avoid overly used damp towels that can carry acne-causing bacteria and transmit them to your skin. 

3. Moisturise

To prevent different types of acne, moisturise your skin thoroughly. Go for alcohol-free, fragrance-free, non-comedogenic, paraben-free moisturisers for acne prevention.

4. Shampoo regularly

Regular shampooing of your hair can prevent your scalp from becoming oily and ward off the causes of forehead acne. Wash your hair every day if you have oily hair.

5. Avoid too much makeup

If you are experiencing frequent acne-breakout then try limiting excessive makeup (heavy foundation, powder, concealer blush) application. Instead, you can opt for all-in-one tinted BB face cream which would hydrate your skin (thus maintaining oil balance in the skin), hide imperfections, and suit oily skin.  

6. Choose diet wisely

To keep acne at bay, you must eliminate acne-causing foods from your diet. This includes processed sugar, fast food, alcohol, etc.

7. Avoid touching your face

Do you have a bad habit of touching your face now and then, or popping pimples whenever you see one? If yes, then stop doing that immediately. By touching your face and popping pimples you are unknowingly transmitting bacteria to your skin and irritating your already inflamed skin. So, avoid touching your face and get rid of pimple scarring and infection. 

8. Limit sun exposure

Inflammation and redness can increase if you spend too much time out in the sun and result in post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. So, limit the sun exposure and protect your face by applying sunscreen or sun control moisturiser.

Follow these abovementioned tips to prevent different types of acne on the face. Bonus tip: If your archenemy acne has left scars and marks on your face, use vitamin C face serum. This type of antioxidant-rich face serum helps fade dark spots, pigmentation, and acne marks and reveal bright and radiant skin in no time. To get further guidance on acne skincare, browse through the wide variety of Garnier skincare products.