Men Hair Care

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7 Hair Care Tips for Men

The internet of today seems to be riddled with various men’s hair care techniques. The once neglected sphere of self care now throws one too many tips, tricks, and hacks at us, making it nearly impossible to decide which ones to follow. However, some facts of men’s hair care never change and are guaranteed to get you the perfectly healthy, dense, and even dark hair that you might be looking for. This is why Garnier Men brings you authentic and achievable men’s hair care tips to inch you closer towards your ideal look.

Men’s Hair Care tips

Not only does well-groomed hair enhance your appearance, but it also boosts your confidence. Men's hair care is all about going beyond the quick wash and run; it is following a tailored, sustainable routine to maintain healthy, strong, and vibrant locks. This blog will give you seven essential men’s hair care tips you can add into your weekly routine and leap faster towards your desired hair goals.

Timed Wash and Conditioning

While it is the universal truth for everyone, men must also schedule, adapt, and follow their weekly hair wash and conditioning. The most transparent yet effective men’s hair care tip is to not take your hair wash and conditioning routine for granted, no matter how short or long your hair might be. It is advisable for men to shampoo their hair once every three days. If you rinse your hair regularly and it comes out dry and brittle, you may even try using conditioner everyday without having to shampoo. If you begin to notice buildup and dandruff on your scalp, using a cleansing conditioner might come in handy for your men’s hair care routine. Remember, monitoring the behaviour of your hair is a vital men’s hair care tip. You must observe and adapt your hair wash products to get the best results. Try opting for products that are all-natural and enriched with nourishing vitamins. If you’re already facing hair breakage, try adding serums to your men’s hair care routine.

Gentle Hair Colour

Another unavoidable men’s hair care tip practice is hair colouring. Once the greys start to make an appearance, regular touch-ups or even a complete overhaul are in order. Colouring may come into the picture even when you want to bring in a change or a charming contrast to your look. This is where men’s hair care comes in. A vital men’s hair tip is remembering that hair colour is rarely a one-stop-go process. You must thoroughly care for your hair fiber after adding colour to it. Even when the changes are as minute as a root touch-up, men’s hair care is in order. The hardest part is taken care of if you begin with investing in ammonia-free, natural hair colour. Our men’s hair care tip is to always adhere to natural, quick, and lasting colour. Tapping into men’s shampoo hair colour is an effective way to get your perfect results while giving your hair minimal trouble.

Proper Styling Techniques

Styling comes next. Your men’s hair care routine must be full of finesse and care to avoid damage. Try to use heat styling tools to a minimum to keep your hair healthy and strong. Our men’s hair care tip would be to avoid hairdryers and straighteners as much as possible, since excessive heat can weaken the hair shaft and lead to breakage. When using heat tools, apply a heat protectant spray to shield your strands from damage. A men’s hair care tip around this would be to finish your styling while your hair is still damp from the wash. This makes it easy to maneuver your hair without using heating tools. If your hair already suffers from split ends and damage due to heating, use a natural, strengthening serum in your men’s hair care tips.

Dodge the sun

We follow this advice when it comes to the skin, the truth is that your hair is also susceptible to factors like pollution, UV rays, and other forms of environmental damage. This is why keeping your hair covered with helmets, caps, or a handkerchief while stepping out is necessary for men’s hair care. We don’t often notice but environmental factors can wreak havoc on your hair, so hair protection is an essential men’s hair care tip. You can even try using men's hair care products with UV protection to protect your hair from sun damage. Choose products with nourishing ingredients like vitamins and antioxidants that will protect your hair from environmental stressors.

Beard oil

Grooming becomes easier, and much more visible, when you club beard care with your total men’s hair care tips. Our bets land on mustache and beard oil, a perfect grooming add on to your regular men’s hair care. If you’ve been trying to groom a fuller beard or facial hair, try investing in nourishing products with natural oils. This will ensure smoother, softer beards that keep your skin undamaged while adding character to your groomed, men’s hair care look.

Regular Trims and Maintenance

Don't overlook the importance of regular trims in your men's hair care routine. Trims are essential to dust off any dead-looking hair and split ends. If you wish to escape the buzzcut age and grow your hair longer, try investing in products that help you add strength to your hair fiber and prevent split ends, like Garnier Fructis Long and Strong. Another men’s hair care tip is to get your hands on a few grooming tools for at-home maintenance between salon visits, such as scissors and clippers, to maintain your desired style.

Healthy Diet

Even after following all the men’s hair care tips, you might still lack a picture perfect look if your body health isn’t up to the mark. Men’s hair care is influenced by more than just external factors; your diet and lifestyle play a significant role too. Try to nourish your body with a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein to support healthy hair growth. Foods like lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your meals to nourish your hair from within. Staying hydrated and managing stress with regular exercise is another irreplaceable men’s hair care tip.

Be it your face shape, charisma, or your overall look, hair holds a huge impact on how you’re perceived. This stands especially true for men who are now increasingly tapping into the world of men’s hair care. Get a head start and flaunt healthy, thick hair with Garnier Men products. Tune into all the men’s hair care tips to know everything there is in the world of men’s grooming.

You can also sift through the wide range of skin brightening, anti-acne, and oil-control products by Garnier Men and be ready with picture-perfect skin. Keep your hair rich and nourished through the heat too using Garnier hair care products such as Men’s colour shampoos and beard oil. Tune into the versatile men’s skin care tips, men’s hair care tips, and men’s hair colour tips to pull off a summer fresh look with ease. What are you waiting for? Shop now