5 Tips on How to Protect Skin from Sun Tan and Damage 5 Tips on How to Protect Skin from Sun Tan and Damage

5 Tips on How to Protect Skin from Sun Tan and Damage

Looking answers for how to protect skin from sun tan? Well, you have hit the right page. Excessive exposure to sun’s UV rays can result in photoaging (premature ageing of your skin), appearance of wrinkles, and even skin cancer. When you stay outdoors under the exposure of the harmful UV (ultraviolet) A and UV B rays, the skin forms a dark pigment called melanin as a defence mechanism. When the amount of melanin increases, the skin gets darker, i.e. tanned. So, if your skin has developed high amount of melanin and want to get rid of them as well as prevent further sun damage, we are here to help you. We have complied some effective tips especially for you, read on!

Here is a list of tips for preventing sun tan and sun damage;

1. Use sunscreen daily

Do you know what frustrates girls and even the boys? It’s the sun tan that develops in the forehead, around the area where you wear goggles, hands etc. However, you can avoid sun tanning and sun damage by applying sunscreen as there are numerous benefits of using sunscreen. Apply sunscreen at least 15 to 20 minutes before stepping outside and reapply after every two hours to get maximum protection. Those who prefer lightweight cream can go for vitamin C serum cream with high SPF (e.g. 40) and protect signs of sun damage, i.e. dark spots, sunburns, and skin tanning. 

2. Wear sunglasses and full-sleeved shirts and pants

Digging the internet to know how to protect skin from sun tan? Well, wear sunglasses whenever you are out in the sun and try to wear full-sleeved shirts and full pants. UV rays cast harmful effects on eyelids, lens, cornea, and retina. You must wear sunglasses/UV-protected sunglasses to cover your eyes. Full-sleeved shirts and pants, on the other hand, protects skin the most as clothes provide skin with different level of UV protection. Remember, you must choose dark and bright coloured clothes as these colours absorb more UV rays and restricts those harmful rays from penetrating your skin.

3. Wear hat and walk on the shady side

While wearing sunglasses would protect your under-eye skin, hat coupled with sunscreen would help to best protect the face. Hat with a brim all around are wider in size which means you can protect your self from direct rays of sun. You can also efficiently restrict reflected rays from water and sun. Try to walk on the shady side and avoid going outside (if it’s not too important) when the sun is at its peak.

4. Apply Sun Protection Skincare Products

If you are wondering how to protect skin from sun tan then you must make sure you are applying skincare and makeup products while stepping outside. You can opt for sun control moisturizer that would help to both moisturize your skin while simultaneously protect from UV A and UV B rays, skin darkening, and premature ageing. Try to use mineral-based makeup ingredients which help to give optimal protection against sun’s harmful UV rays. Do not forget to protect your lips and use a lip balm and lipstick that comes with sun protection factor (SPF).

5. Be cautious about medications that increases sensitivity to sun

You must be cautious about certain medications which can make you sun sensitive. These includes antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, doxycycline etc.), antifungals (flucytosine, griseofulvin etc.), antihistamines (cetirizine, diphenhydramine, etc.), cholesterol lowering drugs (simvastatin, atorvastatin etc.). If you intake these types of medications then you must be extra careful while stepping outside in the sun and be more attentive to your day and night time skincare routine.

Pro tip: Deeply cleanse and exfoliate your face and keep it moisturized. Drink lots of water and keep your face hydrated with hydrating face masks. If you have dry skin, you can use pomegranate serum sheet mask for optimal hydration.  If you dark circles as a result of sun damage and increased melanin content, you can use orange eye mask to let your eyes relax and firm under eye skin.

Now that you know how to protect skin from sun tan, you can take good care of your skin. To choose skincare products wisely, browse through the Garnier skincare products and unveil brighter, hydrated, and healthy skin.