Stress and Hair Loss Stress and Hair Loss

Stress and Hair Loss: Everything You Need To Know

Can stress cause hair fall? Unfortunately, yes, stress and hair loss go hand in hand. Everybody experiences hair loss but if you’re finding an unusual number of hair strands on your pillowcase and in the shower drain, it may be caused by stress. Whether you are feeling overworked or are overwhelmed by emotional events happening in your life, it’s natural to feel stressed out and high levels of stress can mean less hair on your head. Knowing this may not make it easier but don’t worry as we’ve got your back. Here’s everything you need to know about stress and hair fall and what you can do to help encourage regrowth.

Process of hair growth

Hair growth involves three stages. Firstly, in growth, where strands of the hair push through the skin. Next, in degeneration where the hair ceases to grow, and the follicle at the base of the strand shrinks. And lastly, in rest where hair falls out and the process can begin again.

How does stress cause hair loss?

The scientific term for stress-induced hair loss is known as Telogen effluvium. There are approximately 100,000 hair follicles on the adult scalp and each of them is constantly cycling between growth and rest. Most of these hair follicles are in the growth phase and when they transition to the resting phase, the hair is shed. Sometimes, a trigger causes a sudden, abnormal shift of hair into the resting phase altogether and then, one experiences excessive hair loss. Some of the sources that can lead to hair fall due to stress are postpartum, underlying disease, surgery, the demise of someone very close to you, excessive weight loss and more. Now, the good news is that hair loss due to stress can be controlled if you take the necessary precautions.

Ways to reverse hair fall due to stress 

1. Maintain a balanced diet

An unhealthy diet, starvation and malnutrition are some common causes of hair fall. Eating healthy is very important for your overall health, stress, and your hair too. It is important to include whole foods, proteins, minerals, grains, and all vitamins in a healthy diet. Some vitamins that may be vital to hair growth are –

  • Vitamin B – This vitamin helps to maintain the health of your hair. Vitamin B is found in food such as beans, nuts, leafy vegetables, and avocados
  • Vitamin C – Vitamin C is essential for collagen building. Collagen is the skin’s connective tissue that is found in hair follicles. Some foods that are rich in vitamin C are citrus fruits, bell peppers, strawberries, broccoli and more
  • Vitamin E – Vitamin E is rich in antioxidants that contribute to a healthy scalp. Foods such as shrimp, broccoli, spinach, and sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E

You can also get in touch with your doctor and consider taking supplements if you aren’t getting enough of these nutrients. Apart from this, staying hydrated is also important for achieving healthy hair as every cell in your body requires adequate water to function properly.

2. Manage your stress

Learning how to manage stress levels can help you reduce hair fall due to stress. How you handle stress can have a huge impact on your hair and you may have to try various stress-management techniques to find out what works best for you. Some ways to reduce stress are –

  • Exercise – Take a light walk, enrol on a dance class, lift some weights
  • Pursue your hobby – Occupy yourself with something you enjoy doing as this can be a great way to combat stress
  • Journal – Journaling and taking a few minutes to write down how you feel can help to reduce stress
  • Meditation, yoga – Yoga and meditation are great ways to allow yourself to focus on the present moment and keep your worries aside
  • Deep breathing – Deep breathing increases the oxygen supply to your brain, which in turn promotes a state of calmness
  • Spending time outdoors – Outdoor activities are a great way to divert your mind while exploring your surroundings
  • Counselling or therapy – Opening up about your feelings with someone close or seeking help from counselling or therapy can be highly effective to reduce stress

Apart from keeping these things in mind, make sure that you don’t put your hair care regime on back burner. Keep hair fall at bay and achieve strong, healthy and thick hair with ease with a wide range of Garnier haircare products.