How to deal with blackheads: discover our 5-step guide for keeping them at bay How to deal with blackheads: discover our 5-step guide for keeping them at bay

How to deal with blackheads: discover our 5-step guide for keeping them at bay

All but the luckiest of us are familiar with these little black specks – the tell-tale sign of a blocked pore – the dreaded blackhead. But are there any beauty regime steps or skin-care products that can really deal with blackheads? There definitely are, so read on to learn more.

  • Get serious about cleansing
  • Exfoliate on a weekly basis
  • Target problem zones with pore strips
  • Choose naturally oil-absorbent ingredients
  • Drink lots of water

##How to handle blackheads##

Step 1: Take cleansing seriously

Using a great cleanser is key to reducing the creation and appearance of blackheads as it removes pore-clogging oils from the surface of your skin. Look for one that specifically targets oily skin, like Garnier Pure Active Neem Face Wash, and use it daily, especially before you go to bed so your skin isn’t absorbing any impurities overnight.

Step 2: Try a weekly scrub

Exfoliating your skin is a great way to help it regenerate and get its oil-producing glands back into balance. Opt for gentle face-care products with natural ingredients like grapefruit or pomegranate extract to help revitalise and nourish your skin. Adding a weekly scrub to your beauty routine can work wonders to remove the excess sebum or dirt build-up in your pores.

Step 3: Strip away impurities

Peel-off strips are ideal for a precise, localised solution to getting rid of blackheads, and there’s no doubt they’re satisfying. Don’t forget, though, that peel-off strips are fighting the symptom: if you really want to tackle the cause, you’ll need to get serious about your skin-care regime.

Step 4: Embrace the power of charcoal

A face mask or exfoliator containing charcoal will absorb excess oil and leave your skin clean and fresh. With the Garnier Charcoal Serum Sheet Mask and the Garnier Men XL Charcoal Mask, you get the combined benefit of a cleansing, purifying face mask and gentle exfoliation. This natural ingredient is not only a powerful cleanser but also has restorative qualities, acting like a magnet that draws out impurities from your pores and it’s particularly effective on blemishes, pimples and blackheads.

Step 5: Make some simple lifestyle changes

Finally, you can’t go wrong with the following tips you’ve probably already heard before – drink lots of water, protect yourself from the sun and make sure you get lots of sleep to really improve your skin’s health.

##Why do we get blackheads in the first place?##

There is one simple cause of blackheads and that is the natural oil, known as sebum, which our skin produces in order to keep it supple, strong and lubricated. The problem arises when the pores become blocked, the oil has nowhere to go and accumulates to form the little plug we call a blackhead. We’re often tempted to pick and squeeze at it, but this runs the risk of scarring your skin and making things worse. Instead, implement this simple 5-step routine to keep blackheads under control.

If you are dealing with adult acne along with blackheads, adding essential oils to your skincare routine can help you deal with adult acne and enjoy clean, radiant, and healthy-looking skin.